To me...

☑️I think...

☑️I believe...

☑️I feel that...

☑️As I see it...

☑️In my idea...

☑️If you ask me...

☑️To my opinion...

☑️In my opinion...

☑️As far as I see it...

☑️According to me...

☑️In my experience...

☑️It seems to be that...

☑️I take the view that...

☑️As far as I can see it...

☑️From my point of view...

☑️In my humble opinion, ...

☑️I am of the opinion that...

☑️As far as I understand it,...  

☑️My personal view is that...

☑️As far as I am concerned,...

☑️I would like to point out that...

Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2022, 9:52 AM