Các khoá học hiện tại

Hình ảnh khóa học Vocabulary in use

Improve your vocabulary with this book from Cambridge. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence.

Hình ảnh khóa học IELTS Speaking

IELTS speaking tips, information, advice, model answers and topics to help you prepare successfully for your IELTS speaking test.

Hình ảnh khóa học IELTS Reading

Model answers, lessons, tips, free videos, band scores and advice for each section of the IELTS test. Develop your skills by learning IELTS in the right way.

Hình ảnh khóa học IELTS Writing

On this page you can find the best IELTS writing exercises to improve your writing skills and IELTS writing lessons to develop your writing techniques for IELTS. The lessons are divided into grammar lessons (to train your grammar skills in general), task 2 and task 1 lessons.

Hình ảnh khóa học IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS vocabulary lessons with word lists, practice exercises and pronunciation. Learn word lists for common topics and how to pronounce words correctly in English. Vocabulary  is 25% of your marks for IELTS writing and speaking and also plays a key role in listening and reading. You need to develop your English language vocabulary if you wish to crack IELTS.

Hình ảnh khóa học English For ALL

It's FREE! Free English study and teaching resources for students and teachers of ESL, as a Second Language Lessons for ALL levels.

Hình ảnh khóa học Grammar &Quiz

Practise your English grammar with clear grammar explanations and practice exercises to test your understanding. All learners, whatever their level, have questions and doubts about grammar as they're learning English and this guide helps to explain the verb tenses and grammar rules in a clear and simple way.

Hình ảnh khóa học English Worksheets

Our website aims to provide all the required materials for English Language Teachers and Learners to help them master and improve their English, help their pupils master all the required skills. 

Hình ảnh khóa học Pathways: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking 1

Pathways, Second Edition: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking 1

 It is a global, five-level academic English program with carefully-guided lessons and explicit reading and writing practice that develops the language skills, critical thinking, and learning strategies required for academic success.

Hình ảnh khóa học Pathways: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking 1

Pathways: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking 1

Explicit instruction and practice of note-taking, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation develop language proficiency and build academic skills. Exam-style tasks prepare students for a range of international exams, including TOEFL and IELTS.

Hình ảnh khóa học TOEIC
TM English

The introduction highlights the TOEIC courses offered, which are focused on developing proficiency in the four key language skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The listening modules provide extensive practice in understanding spoken English, while the reading modules offer strategies to comprehend written materials. The speaking modules help individuals communicate effectively in English, and the writing modules enhance writing skills. The courses provide targeted exercises, personalized feedback, and ample practice to prepare individuals for the TOEIC exam.

Hình ảnh khóa học Thi Thử Tốt Nghiệp THPT 2023
TM English

Với những bài kiểm tra online theo ma trận Bộ Giáo Dục Đào tạo của các Môn Toán Lý Hóa Anh Sinh Sử Đia và GDCD sẽ giúp cho học sinh củng cố thêm kiến thức và sự tự tin trước kỳ thi THPT Quốc Gia 2023

Hình ảnh khóa học English for Career Development
TM English
English for Career Development is designed for high-beginner to low-intermediate non-native English speakers.  This course will guide you through the job application process while expanding your vocabulary and language skills at the same time.